Saturday, February 20, 2010

Are you disciplining yourself?

LABTS has started and we are now in our fifth week. I chose to take discipleship as my class from the beginning of the year as part of my new year's resolution. My resolution is derived from 1 Timothy 4: 7

"Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness."

In my past I had no sense of discipline. Everything was done with no consideration to God or other people. I was very selfish in my thinking and action. But God gave me a new heart of flesh and I realize there are things to do and not do. These actions require discipline.

From what I learned in class, discipleship is not church membership, religious conformity, social liberation, or intellectual savvy. Discipleship is to have a Christ - centered lifestyle, a Spirit led lifestyle, and a God exalting lifestyle. Discipleship is a lifestyle different from the world, but a true living of what God designed us to do.


  1. its about time you blogged! I want to know what a disciple of Christ looks like!!

  2. Good blog... thanks for encouraging me!
