For some reason today I felt very sleepy and took about three naps. My first one was before school, I would drive to school early to get good parking. Then I would knock out so when I get to class, I'm rested but late. My second one was after that class. Instead of continuing to work on my project, I told my classmates, "Imma go take a nap." I went back to my car and took a very warm nap since it was during the afternoon. My last nap was at home while I was listening to Albert Mohler's podcast. It was titled "Christianity and Sports: Where's the Balance?"
When I wasn't napping I thought I was doing a lot of work. I was able to read the Bible, my devotional books, completed many drawing on AutoCAD, got to hang out with my classmates, exercise, visited my Nanay, and got a hair cut.
Even though I took three naps, I felt like I got many things accomplished. However that feeling of accomplishment changed after I did my book reading from "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life". I was reading chapter eight and it was about stewardship. The first subtopic was about time and from what I read I feel like I shouldn't take naps anymore.
He gave ten biblical reason to discipline your time (Based from Johnathan Edward's Sermon on "The Preciousness of Time and the Importance of Redeeming it"):

1. Use time Wisely "Because the Days Are Evil"
2. Wise Use of Time Is the Preparation for Eternity
3. Time is Short
4. Time is Passing
5. The Remaining Time Is Uncertain
6. Time Lost Cannot Be Regained
7. You Are Accountable to God for Your Time
8. Time Is So Easily Lost
9. We Value Time at Death
10.Time's Value in Eternity
Those three naps where produced out of my sinful slothfulness. I could argue that I was really tired from before, but that just proves how undisciplined my time is. As I read through those 10 points, I felt so convicted that I had to write this blog. Time is a blessing and as Christians, we need to use it just a Jesus Christ did. Giving all to God and glorifying Him with the time given to us. There is no time in eternity, there's only glorifying a Holy God in heaven or suffering the wraith of God in hell. May those who don't believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
believe He can save you from the Wraith of God so that you may receive eternal life with Him while there is still time.